A New Feature: Data Papers

In 2022, Population became an open science journal. For several years, the journal published one article with immediate free access per issue (along with the annual chronicles and demographic reports). Today, its entire content is available free of charge from the date of issue, in both English and French, via the Cairn platform.

Consistent with INED’s open data sharing policy and to ensure the reproducibility and transparency of its published content, Population encourages authors to provide access to the sources, data, and computer codes used in their research. To this end, Population now includes a new category of papers on research sources and data, commonly known as ‘data papers’. These papers present original sources and data in the field of population studies. They serve the objectives of open science by documenting data to promote transparency, scientific integrity, data reuse, reproducibility, and sharing. Like all the articles and research notes in Population, these data papers are peer-reviewed and must meet the journal’s quality standards. The data they present may be varied: surveys, administrative databases, contextual databases, sources grouped for comparative purposes, etc. Of limited length, these papers must include the information needed to present and analyse the data they describe: context, ethical issues and procedures, scope of the study population, nature, potential and limitations, and conditions for accessing the data and associated documentation.

We are pleased to publish Population’s first data paper in this issue. It presents the data obtained in the second edition of the Trajectories and Origins survey (TeO2), a general interest survey on migration and the integration of immigrants and their descendants in France. We hope this inaugural article will be of interest to readers and will encourage other authors to contribute to this new feature.